Every season features unique safety-related risk factors, including specific traffic safety concerns. Freezing temperatures are sometimes a concern in the winter months, while glare and intoxicated drivers leaving barbecues are issues during the summer.
The spring is a transitional season marked by fluctuating temperatures and heavy precipitation. Although many Georgia drivers don’t think of the spring as a dangerous season for traffic safety, there are numerous unique driving concerns that motor vehicle operators need to watch out for between the winter and summer months. These are a few of the most serious driving safety issues that affect roads in Georgia during spring.
1. Rain storms and wet pavement
Georgia can see some very intense rainstorms in the spring, and those storms will increase crash risk. Whenever it storms, the weather’s impact on visibility and tire traction leads to crashes. Federal crash data shows that roughly 47% of weather-related wrecks occur during rainstorms. A shocking 75% of collisions related to weather involved wet pavement. Drivers should be aware that every minor rainstorm puts them at elevated risk of a crash.
2. Increased animal activity
Humans aren’t the only ones who start to become more active when the weather gets better in the spring. Animals of all types shake off the winter blues and start traveling or looking for mates once winter ends. As such, there may be a larger than normal number of animals crossing the road, which puts people at risk of collisions with animals or crashes caused by those trying to avoid wildlife.
3. Drunk drivers
The very end of winter plays host to St Patrick’s Day, a holiday associated with excessive drinking in many areas. Although Easter is often not as raucous, spring break has a tendency to result in wild parties where young adults overconsume alcohol and then possibly drive home while intoxicated.
Increased socialization throughout the spring will mean that adults of all ages may be more likely to drink before driving and could therefore cause crashes. Social outings also increase the possibility of distracted driving, as people may send emails or text messages while on their way to meet up with friends.
Recognizing some of the unique safety hazards that can make the springtime roads particularly dangerous can help drivers minimize their personal risk of causing or being involved in a major motor vehicle collision.