Driving is a safety-critical task. Even small mistakes can result in catastrophic injuries. Unfortunately, the frequency with which people drive can make them somewhat dismissive of the risk involved.
Instead of making safety a consistent priority in traffic, drivers often focus on convenience and getting to their destinations as quickly as possible. They may end up causing crashes because they become too complacent on the road.
Certain habits are more likely than others to noticeably increase the likelihood of a major motor vehicle collision. What traffic habits have the strongest association with preventable wrecks?
1. Driving while impaired
People who regularly drink develop a tolerance to alcohol. Those who take powerful prescription medications or who occasionally experiment with recreational drugs may assume that they can drive safely due to their experience.
All it takes is a momentary lapse in judgment for a driver under the influence to cause a crash. Even those who have practice driving while under the influence of certain substances can still potentially cause major collisions.
2. Device use
Quite a few people have a difficult time setting down their mobile phones for even a few seconds. They feel compelled to check who sent them a text message or email. They can then potentially cause major collisions because they don’t keep their focus on the road. Even built-in screens and GPS devices can cause dangerous levels of distraction and may contribute to crash risk.
3. Rolling through a stop
Particularly at intersections with low levels of traffic that people regularly pass through, they may become complacent about actually stopping when they should. Drivers who complete rolling stops can potentially cause major collisions because they choose not to come to a complete stop as they should.
4. Failing to indicate a turn
Turn signals or blinkers are standard safety equipment in vehicles because of how important communication is in traffic. Drivers typically need to use them consistently to ensure that others near them know what they intend to do. When people do not use their turn signals, others may misinterpret their intentions and could potentially cause crashes as a result.
5. Exceeding the speed limit
Drivers often view the speed limit as the suggested speed for a road or highway. However, it is the maximum permissible speed based on factors including neighborhood characteristics. Exceeding the speed limit increases the likelihood of a collision or a pedestrian crash. Higher speeds typically also result in more serious collisions when crashes do occur.
Drivers with unsafe habits may put themselves and everyone else on the road at risk. Evaluating personal conduct can help drivers recognize when they have adopted questionable traffic behaviors as part of their daily routines. Motorists who avoid unsafe behavior can help reduce their crash risk and can potentially hold others accountable if unsafe habits lead to a car wreck.