Many people may not be able to afford to cover the cost of a car crash. People generally don’t have enough in savings or enough regular income to fully offset the expenses generated when two vehicles collide. Property damage alone could consume most of an individual’s resources.
The cost to repair a damaged vehicle could easily reach thousands of dollars, and if a driver needs a new vehicle, the total expense of the crash increase significantly. There are also injury costs and the possibility of people losing out on income because they are unable to work.
It could be dangerous to drive if people are at risk of massive financial losses in the event of a crash. The state makes liability insurance mandatory so that people can cover their costs after a wreck. What happens if the driver at fault for a crash doesn’t have an active insurance policy?
Uninsured drivers are everywhere
Although state law requires car insurance, that isn’t a guarantee of compliance. The law also requires that people use their turn signals and avoid exceeding the speed limit. The unfortunate reality is that quite a few people drive around without the insurance coverage required by law.
Drivers are more likely to encounter uninsured drivers in Georgia than in many other states. According to insurance industry data from claims in 2022, Georgia had the seventh-highest rate of uninsured drivers. Roughly 18.1% of motorists lack proper liability coverage. That is almost one in five motorists!
What happens when uninsured drivers cause crashes?
There are a few options available to people affected by crashes caused by uninsured drivers. Some people have uninsured motorist coverage on their personal policies. They can use their insurance to pay for collision expenses.
Others may need to consider filing a lawsuit against the driver who caused the crash. In some cases, there may also be third-party liability. A business could have a degree of financial culpability for a crash in specific circumstances.
Reviewing the various options for compensation after a motor vehicle collision may help people limit their losses. If an uninsured driver causes a wreck, the people involved in the crash may need help holding that irresponsible motorist accountable.