Many people may not be able to afford to cover the cost of a car crash. People generally don't have enough in savings or enough regular income to fully offset the expenses generated when two vehicles collide. Property damage alone could consume most of an individual's...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
5 common traffic habits that carry major crash risk
Driving is a safety-critical task. Even small mistakes can result in catastrophic injuries. Unfortunately, the frequency with which people drive can make them somewhat dismissive of the risk involved. Instead of making safety a consistent priority in traffic, drivers...
When runners get hit by cars
When a motorist strikes a runner, the consequences can be dire. As runners don’t have the benefit of a protective vehicle shell, the impact of such collisions is generally absorbed entirely by the victims who have been struck. As such, it’s not surprising that victims...
The hidden impacts of accidents
When we think of a car crash, what often comes to mind first is the damage to our wallets. However, the real cost of an accident goes far beyond the bills. It's about the personal challenges and setbacks that do not necessarily come with a price tag. These silent...
3 spring driving safety concerns people need to know about
Spring is a joyous season for many people. People look forward to celebrating Easter with their family members. Children anxiously wait for a week off of school. Warmer temperatures mean an influx of spring flowers and often more outdoor activity. While Georgia does...
3 “minor” driving habits that can contribute to major collisions
Discussions about Georgia car crashes and what causes them often focus on the most egregious traffic violations possible. Obviously, getting behind the wheel while drunk or on drugs is a major safety concern, as is the choice to text while driving. However, most...
Why SUVs present so much more danger to cyclists than cars do
It might seem like an unsurprising finding that bicyclists who are involved in collisions with SUVs suffer injuries that are 55% more severe than those who are struck by smaller cars or that their head injuries are 63% more severe. Certainly, SUVs are larger and...
3 ways spring weather can contribute to traffic collision risks
Every season features unique safety-related risk factors, including specific traffic safety concerns. Freezing temperatures are sometimes a concern in the winter months, while glare and intoxicated drivers leaving barbecues are issues during the summer. The spring is...
Winter roads can contain hidden dangers
If you walk outside to get in your car and there’s a foot of snow on the ground, you know that you’re going to have a relatively difficult and potentially dangerous commute. It’s clear that there is a greater risk because you’re going to have to drive through these...
3 options for justice after a crash caused by a drunk driver
Almost everyone in Georgia already knows that it is illegal to drive if they have had enough to drink that it begins to affect their motor function or thought processes. However, plenty of people still drive drunk anyway, often because they assume they can do it...
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